Big Eye Joins the battle of Big Men, dismantles Ronald Mayinja for attacking Museveni

Posted on September 25, 2019
By Kiggundu Abraham
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Celebrity Gossip

Struggling singer Ibrahim Mayanja also known as Professor Big Eye has continued to diss Golden Band's Ronald Mayinja's 'Bizeemu' hit song claiming that the later needs to rephrase it to 'Byagwawo' to sketch up the actual picture of the current state of affairs in the country.


Shortly after challenging President Museveni by performing the 'Bizeemu' song at Catherine Kisasira's Tears of the Woman Concert, the 'Tuli kubunkenke' singer started feeling the heat given the too much attacks from the ruling party NRM party supporters to the extent of crying out how he was fearing for his life which is amidst a lot of scares.

Though he had previous clearly stated that the 'Bizeemu' issues where far away from musicians Bebe Cool and Professor Big Eye's understating thereby advising the later to leave them for the generals, the Big Music Group turned a deaf ear and has now come out to trash the entire lyrics of the song claiming that the real packaging should be 'Byagwawo' not 'Bizeemu'.

Check out the video below of Big Eye dissing Ronald Mayinja's 'Bizeemu':

