Miles Rwamiti Goes Back to School to Polish His English Grammar

Posted on April 16, 2022
By Kiggundu Abraham
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Urban TV's Miles Rwamiti is back in the lecture rooms this time to polish his English grammar to come back to politics with better qualifications to 'maybe' enable him win the next elections.

Rwamiti has been confirmed as the latest ambassador of Victoria University Kampala months after returning back on the screens from active politics.

Despite his vast experience in journalism, Rwamiti's close friends can attest that his main aim of joining Victoria University is to better his spoken and accent respectively.

Ambassadorial roles at Victoria University usually come with educational offers as the ambassadors are given chance to get back to class and study a subject of their own. Rwamiti has opted for English.

Rwamiti joins a long list of celebrities that have the offer at Victoria University.
