Suzan Makula’s Ex Boyfriend Derrick Ainomugisha Sets Wedding Dates with Zungu Girlfriend

Posted on October 20, 2021
By Sean Musa Carter
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Suzan Makula Nantaba’s ex boyfriend, Derrick Ainomugisha is set to wed his new zungu lover as they aim at steering their romance in a fresh direction.

According to Celeb Patrol, Pictures of Derrick Ainomugisha alias Vucci leaked on social media in 2019 in which he was seen feeding Susan Makula cake.

By then, Makula had just made it to the limelight as Bugingo’s new lover hence the public concluding that Vucci was her ex boyfriend. However, Ainomugisha denied ever even dreaming of dating Makula explaining that Bugingo and Makula know the truth.

“Our daddy, Bugingo told us never to mind about what people say about us. I took that advice.” he told Kampala Sun a few years back.

“Most of the pictures going viral are old. Can’t a man have a female friend without strings attached?. Wedding bells sounding louder than before. please save the dates. Anytime from now, Thafina aweleza akasala.” he posted on his socials.

This has left many netizens wondering when Bugingo would fulfill his promise of wedding Suzan Makula in a historical event this year.
