Bebe Cool Elated by His Son Alpha Ssali's First Appearance in Proline Senior Team

Posted on April 02, 2021
By Kiggundu Abraham
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Singer Moses Ssali commonly known as Bebe Cool is elated by his son, Alpha Thierry Ssali's first appearance in the Proline senior team.

One thing Bebe Cool has remained consistent with throughout the years I his support for his family no wonder his first born failed to enjoy even a single minute at the recently concluded under 20 African Cup of Nations finals, he was there to comfort and encourage the lad.

Having been graduated to the Proline Senior team last year, Alpha Ssali made his senior debut on Thursday 1st April as Proline thrashed Terrazo and Tiles in the Fufa Big League.

"Congratulations to Alpha Thiery Sali who made his senior debut in today’s 3-1 win over Terrazo and Tiles FC in the @FUFABigLeague

Alpha started his journey at 3 years at Proline Soccer Academy," read a statement from Proline FC.

The 'Gagamel' Band CEO too twitted his excitement through his socials.

"Proud of you my Son #AlphaTheiry," tweeted Bebe Cool.
