Eddy Kenzo Forces David Lutalo and Pallaso to Kiss and Make up, No More Fights (VIDEO)

Posted on May 01, 2023
By Sean Musa Carter
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Following their bitter verbal war a few weeks ago, musicians David Lutalo and Pallaso were forced to kiss and make up last evening as singer Jose Chameleone celebrated his birthday, his mother Mrs. Prossy Mayaja joined forces with Eddy Kenzo to reunite the two big bulls.

Pallaso fell out with David Lutalo a few weeks ago after he advised him and Ziza Bafana to pull up their socks and heaped praise on King Saha for being hardworking musically .

Speaking out in interviews, Pallaso sent serious warnings to Lutalo saying that he had to watch out since his music was not even that good.

Pallaso was also not pleased with Lutalo’s advice towards and he quickly lashed out to former for undermining him to which David refused to reply.

Now yesterday, the two hugged each other as a sign of making peace before cheekily claiming that the media was to blame for their disagreements.

Watch the sweet moment below:
