Renowned vlogger and critic Tamale Mirundi Jr. has put his former best friend, K...
Events promoter and talent manager Abitex has opened up about the dramatic end t...
In a recent interview, singer Ssalongo Siraje has taken a swipe at rapper Gravit...
Music duo Hatim and Dokey have announced their split after a five-years working ...
It's a showdown of fresh talent tonight as Mudra D’Viral and Acidic Vokoz brac...
Singer Mansoor Ssemanda aka King Saha has had enough of waiting, and he’s maki...
It seems things took a sour turn in the aftermath of the highly anticipated Memo...
Singer Sheebah Karungi has opened up about her decision to cancel a music battle...
Tanzanian music sensation Diamond Platnumz seems to be playing it cool despite t...
Just as fans were starting to feel like the rift between Eddy Kenzo and Bigeye S...