Shakib Cham Lutaaya Refuses to Divorce First Wife Mimi Complicating Her Future with Zari Hassan

Posted on January 20, 2023
By Sean Musa Carter
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City smart wire Shakib Cham Lutaaya has reportedly refused to divorce his first wife Mimi, even after being served with divorce papers hence sabotaging his future with slayer and mother of 5, Zarinah Tlale aka Zari Hassan.. Something bigger behind all this.

According to a famous social media Rita Kaggwa, Shakib was legally married to a one Shamira (commonly known as Mimi) before getting into a relationship with Zari Hassan but even after moving on, he refused to cut his old ties.

While appearing on a local TV for an interview, Rita Kaggwa revealed that Shakib Mimi had asked Shakib for a divorce after both parties decided to move on with their love lives.

She notes that Shakib did not heed to Shakira's request, as he tried to sideline the issue.

Kaggwa adds that when Shakib denied Shakira a divorce, Shakira moved on into another relationship, regardless.

Mimi and Shakib decided to moved on with their love lives, a gesture that prompted Mimi to unleash her marriage certificates proving that she is legally married to Shakib, in a move to request a divorce, just incase someone tried to disrupt her new union.

According to Kaggwa, she had exclusive access to messages that Mimi sent Shakib, asking for a proper divorce if both parties were to successfully move on with their lives.
