Comedian Nicholas Mpiirwe, popularly known as DJ Messe Bontwe, a founding member...
Three key members of the Namuyomba Comedy Group—DJ Sserudigo (Sserunkuma Ibrah...
Renowned comedians and entrepreneurs Sammie and Shawa, have taken their talents ...
The comedy community is mourning the death of comedian Cold Q, half the duo of C...
The Sheraton Garden was on fire as Madrat and Chiko, real names Dickson Lubega a...
Comedians Madrat and Chiko are marking a huge milestone in their career with a s...
The Ugandan comedy scene has seen remarkable growth over the past few years and ...
Comedy legend, Amooti Omubalanguzi, the founder of Amarula Family is set to cele...
Beloved TikTok comedy group ‘Tuli Bulala’ was involved in a serious car acci...
Stand-up comedian Obed Lubega, aka Reign Omusoyisoyi from comedy duo "Maulana an...