DEFYING ORDERS: Sam Kuteesa Flies in Three Family Members, Court Summons Him

Posted on June 03, 2020
By Sean Musa Carter
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Even though President Museveni halted the jetting in of any passenger planes, Minister for Foreign Affairs Sam Kutesa flew in three of his family members and now he has been dragged to court by a city lawyer Ronald Otee.

Kutesa is seeking to be privately prosecuted for authorizing the return of three family members of businessman Kavuyu from the USA during the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown.

Kutesa has been sued alongside the three members including Barbara Kavuya the wife, his daughter Blanche Kavuya and grandson Isiah Tiba Byabashaija who were allowed to return back to the country.

The petitioner says this was in breach of a Presidential directive that bars people from flying into and out of the country during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic while other Ugandans abroad including medical students in Wuhan were denied the same privilege.

Otee who hails from Soroti has also requested the Buganda road magistrates court to draft a Charge Sheet for the four persons.

In his documents filed before the court , Otee states that on March 24th, 2020 the minister of health using the public health act passed an order into law prohibiting any person from entering Uganda effect from Monday, March 23rd to April 23rd which was later extended and remains into effect up to date as measures to contain the virus.

The lawyer however notes that on May 18th, the said persons entered Uganda and continue to stay in Uganda and as a result committed a criminal offense together with minister Sam Kutesa who authorized their return via Ethiopian airline.

He says that the actions of minister Sam Kutesa to allow only that family to return home was discriminative in nature since other Ugandans who wanted to return were not given permission or those who wanted to leave.
