Renowned Bukedde TV presenter and famous TikTok content creator, Phoebe Kukiriza...
TikToker and media personality Phoebe Kukkiriza has finally wedded with her long...
Bukedde TV presenter and renowned TikTok sensation Phoebe Kukiriza officially in...
Phoebe Kukkiriza, the sensational TikToker who later turned into a Bukedde TV pr...
Media personality Fiona Nabitengero aka Fifi Da Queen has opened up about her de...
Steadily growing her brand, renown media personality Caroline Marcah officially ...
Former Bukedde TV presenter Emilia Masembe alias 'Omubi Masembe' says hi...
Scared that she was going to be chewed Live on air, Bukedde TV Presenter got a s...
A few days ago, Bukedde TV Binyanya nyanya DJ Ssuuna Ben was spotted at Next Med...
Phionah Nabitengero alias Fifi Da Queen has on Monday 26th threatened to sue her...