Man Commits Suicide After Being Denied Morning Glory By His Wife

Posted on March 26, 2021
By Sean Musa Carter
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A man identified as Safari Kitonyo committed suicide after having a heated argument with his wife by names of Sildia Kadzo after she denied him Morning Glory.

According to the source reported that, Kitonyo who works as a night guard with KK Security argued that he could only enjoy his bedroom s3xual services during the day due to the nature of his work.

“He said he loved his wife so much and that he had no outside affairs with other women and that the only time he could have an affair with his wife was during the day owing to his work,” said a witness.

The witness further revealed that the 23- year old woman later rushed out of their rented house in protest leaving behind her husband who hanged himself on the roof.

While confirming the incident, Kilifi County police commander Nelson Taliti said that the body of the deceased was taken to Kilifi County referral hospital mortuary for examination.

