An Inside Tour of Golola Moses' Brand New House from RockBoom, He Receives a Furnished Mansion

Posted on October 22, 2020
By Ssekamatte Vicent
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Golola Moses was gifted with a brand new fully furnished House by Rock Boom Energry Drink under Harris International. Here we give you an inside tour of this beautiful house after Golola receives its key and land titles.

Kick boxing champion Golola Moses has been handed with a new and fully furnished house courtesy of RockBoom, a brand of Hariss International.

Edward Golola, the face of Uganda's kick boxing is also the face of Harris international in terms of marketing and branding.

He has been sponsored by the company due to his heroics in the sport that has seen him conquer the likes of Umar Ssemata and Kizito "Kasumaali" Ongom.

Watch the Video of Golola's House Below:

Below are Photos of Golola Moses's New House:

Uganda’s Kick boxer Champion, Golola Moses officially receives his new fully furnished house, Courtesy of RockBoom. #Rockboom4Golola | #PositiveEnergy

Posted by Rock Boom on Thursday, October 22, 2020