Can Uganda Premier League and FUFA Big League Players Really Afford Saving with NSSF?

Posted on August 04, 2020
By Ssekamatte Vicent
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FUFA President Eng.Moses Magogo on Saturday 1st August, 2020 held and chaired a meeting with captain of clubs in Uganda Premier League and FUFA Big League in which much was shared in a bid to professionalize Uganda Premier League (UPL) and FUFA Big League (FBL) players as share holders in the Uganda’s major sport.

Many issues discussed included the importance of player intermediaries, player branding, player development and the government’s desire for the players to save with NSSF and paying Pay As You Earn tax (PAYE). NSSF demands workers ranging from 235,000/- salary to pay 15%, 5% of it by the employer and 10% by the employers.

Questions have since then been raised from the football lovers asking if it is possible for the players who take months without pay be able comply with the government’s proposal. Proffessionally, this is good and benefits players but can it be applicable.

A week ago, SC Villa player Emmanuel Kalyowa cried foul of unpaid salaries for ten months and accused FUFA for not ensuring clubs pay their players. With this a characteristic of many clubs in Uganda Premier League, we ask if the government can be successful in its attempt.
