Jose Chameleone’s Brother Humphrey Mayanja Rushed to the Hospital in a Worrying Condition

Posted on July 05, 2023
By Sean Musa Carter
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Just after Ugandans learning that legendary singer Dr. Jose Chameleone underwent an emergency surgery in the United States, his brother Humprey Mayanja also confirmed being bedridden in the same country and undergoing an emergency surgery as well.

Through his social media, Humphrey narrated the horrific story of how he ended up in the hospital starting from mini-faints to instant fevers.

"This is not a pleasant picture. I didn’t take it. But while at Schiphol airport I kept falling asleep and waking up to intermittent fevers. I didn’t feel well and I have never felt like that before. The flight was delayed but after 10 hrs of lay over I was finally on flight to Logan airport. I got home safe(or so I thought). I got some rest but when I woke up I realized that my stomach was inflating itself every 5 mins.

This was so painful that I could not walk or eat anything. ‘My Best friend’ decided to drive me to the ER, I got diagnosed and a decision was made that I be retained for further analysis. They immediately insterted a Nasogastric tube(very irritating process) inside me. Believe me or not basokoola kakika mu lubuto nange n’entya. Anyway it all ended in surgery." he posted.

His treatment, he says, involved inserting a nasogastric tube inside his stomach to get rid of the infections inside, but the doctors ended up carrying out a full surgery.
