"Whatever You Said About Me Makes No Sense, I Don't Have Time for You"- A Pass Replies Nince Henry

Posted on January 27, 2023
By Sean Musa Carter
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After songwriter Nince Henry trashing Alexander Bagonza, aka A Pass' new song, the singer has returned fire and replied that whatever Henry said about his music is total nonsense he has no time for.

Through his social media, A Pass revealed how he was not happy with the comments made by fellow singer and songwriter Nince Henry calling upon him to consistently release music that makes people dance.

A Pass’ new song ‘Abantu’ became the base of all this after fellow singer and songwriter Nince Henry stated that A Pass is releasing new music again but he wants him to get back to doing more groovy music.

Through Facebook, Nince Henry called upon

“Eyo jolaga mukwemoola nokuwomelela fe jetwava ate gwe jodda! Get the f…k back to your senses and bring back the real APass brother! The industry is now for extroverts not for neurotics. That melancholic vibe is a cliché right now. Make people dance!”- Nince said.

Now A Pass has fired back;  “Miss Henry, the things you said are of no importance…stop putting my music under a microscope. I will do the music in different ways. You don’t make valid points,” A Pass partly said in the video.
