During his episode of the Mwasuze Mutya show, legendary media personality, Simon...
Media personality Simon Peter Ndawula, aka Omulangira Ndausi, has come out and b...
Legendary media personality Omulangira Ndausi has finally spoken out about his e...
Radio Simba’s Simon Peter Ndawula alias Omulangira Ndausi is in trouble af...
Simon Peter Ndaura commonly known as Omulangira Ndausi is a presenter on 97.3 ra...
Comedian and media personality Innocent Kafeero Tobby commonly known as Dr T Ama...
Rumor has been making round on social media with some people claiming that singe...
Legendary radio personality Omulangira Ndausi real name, Simon Peter Ndawula has...
Ever upcoming singer Brenda Naluzige alias Minayo has rebranded and unveiled vet...