Who Gifted Diana Nabatanzi with this New Range Rover? Fans in Wonder

Posted on January 09, 2023
By Kiggundu Abraham
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Media personality Diana Nabatanzi has reportedly paraded off a brand new car, a Range Rover sport that has left many with jaws dropping and wondering who gifted it to her, here we have the full gist.

Upgrading from a Pajero “Bitama”, gifted by former bonkmate Lwasa Emmanuel, Nabatanzi has now upgraded.

The person who gifted Nabatanzi the massive Range Rover has been a mystery until today when we exclusively learned their name. This dude prefers to keep behind the scenes due to his reputation and job limitations and therefore we have chosen to keep the name anonymous.

The generous guy is a top army officer who has been hanging out with Diana Nabatanzi in some of Muyenga and Munyonyo party spots like Afro Park & Cubana respectively.

The couple that wishes to keep the relationship a secret is often spotted at these hangout joints in full intimate mode ready to bonk tubeless.

We have exclusively learned that Diana Nabatanzi is now a proud owner of a massive Range Rover Sport Registration number UBL 70** series.
