"We Have Medicine that Can Help Enlarge Lwasa's Tiny Cassava"- Weasel and Pallaso Brag

Posted on November 09, 2022
By Sean Musa Carter
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Speaking out live on camera, Goodlyfe singer Weasel Manizo bragged that he helped his brother Pallaso get a bigger cassava and it is the same medicine Masaka businessman Lwasa Emmanuel needs to be able to keeo women.

Weasel Manizo told reporters that in his life he has never lost any of his girlfriends to anyone, and noted that even if it happens he is unbothered because he has a lot on his plate and can offer some to Emmanuel Lwasa who is struggling to have a woman.

He also went ahead and advised anyone who has any doubts about his solutions to issues like Lwasa’s to speak with his brother Pallaso.

"The only solution Lwasa needs right now is to enlarge his ka little pen otherwise women will keep running away from him. No woman can stay with a man who is as tiny as him.

If you don't agree with me, please ask my brother Pallaso there, I also helped him and now he's not struggling any more"- Weasel Manizo bragged.

Watch the interview below:
