"I Don't Mind Being In Prison If You Give Me a Computer, Internet, Printer & Photocopier"- Male Mabirizi

Posted on March 08, 2022
By Sean Musa Carter
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Incarcerate controversial lawyer Hassan Male Mabirizi has asked the Buganda Road Court to order Prison Services at Kitalya Government Prison to give him a computer, the Internet, a printer, and a photocopier if they want to arrest him.

The fresh charges stem from a case privately instituted against Mabirizi by Robert Rutaro, saying that Mabirzi made statements on his Twitter handle abusing Justice Musa Ssekaana. Rutaro quotes a number of posts written both in English and in the local language allegedly by Mabirizi in which he attacked the judge.

While appearing before the court yesterday to answer charges related to offensive communication, Mabirizi told the Grade One Magistrate, Sanula Nambozo that he represents himself, and thus needs the said equipment to facilitate him in working on his defense.

He promised not to misuse the said items once provided to him adding that Prison authorities can limit his internet use including on his social media if there is any fear of him abusing the said privileges.

However, the Magistrate told Mabirizi that she would first consult Prison Services to determine whether they could avail him of the items.

Meanwhile, Mabirizi also asked the court to issue a production warrant for him on his next appearance in fear that he may not be physically produced in court but presented via Zoom, which he says will not allow him to efficiently represent himself.

The Magistrate further remanded him until March 15.
