Geoffrey Lutaaya Registers a Sold Out Concert in Kanoni, Gomba

Posted on March 02, 2022
By Kiggundu Abraham
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Singer turned politician Hon. Geoffrey Lutaaya rose to the occasion and registered a sold up show at Kanoni, Gomba district on Tuesday.

The development came just days after the Kakuuto county MP had a concert at Labonita alongside Mariachi and Carol Nantongo but the turn up was so disappointing as the show flopped.

People started connecting the flopped show to politics something which events Abitex trashed as he linked the poor results of the concert to poor advertising by the promoter.

The good news on our Blizz desk indicates how Hon Lutaaya managed to nail it again with a sold out show that he in company of his wife, Irene Namatovu organised at Kanoni, Gomba.

Basing on the numbers of revelers that attended the Lutaayas' show in Kanoni, it was crystal clear for one to sum up how the latter finally managed to balance the ledger books.

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