Pastor Bugingo and Suzan Makula Hold Thanksgiving Prayer Session After Surviving Kitalya Prison

Posted on January 25, 2022
By Kiggundu Abraham
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Love birds Pastor Aloysius Bugingo and Suzan Makula held Thanksgiving prayers over the weekend as they celebrated surviving being taken to Kitalya after being granted cash bail by Entebbe Magistrates court.

The duo appeared before Grade One Magistrate Stella Okwang and denied the offenses in relation to their alleged customary marriage as filed by City lawyer Hassan Male Mabirizi.

Mabirizi accuses Bujjingo of allegedly contracting a marriage under Customary Law yet he is already married under the Marriage Act to Teddy Naluswa.

Susan Makula is accused of introducing Pastor Bugingo to her parents, well knowing that she was engaging with a legally married person.

After escaping the cold nights while sleeping on the floor of Kitalya Prison, the HPMI church lead Pastor laid down on the soil of Cannan Land as a gesture of hailing God's mercy after being handed a second chance in life as he tries to tame a sinful life.

Watch the video below;
