His Majesty Rukirabasaija King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV Amooti, of Tooro Kingdom is set to be dethroned over multiple allegations among them including incompetence, disrespecting kingdom elders including those that enthroned him, the Babiito Clan.
According to multiple reports coming in from the Kingdom, King Oyo basically expressed all these immoralities at the recently concluded Empaango Ya Tooro-Coronation Ceremony.
On top of disrespecting his elders, King Oyo is also accused of being too ‘dense’ to lead Batooro as it will be summarized below, something that kingdom elders say they can’t tolerate.
Some pundits in the kingdom last night intimated to this reporter King Oyo can’t even read eloquently a two paragraph speech written to him to simply read!
Talking to SpyUganda, a Kingdom elder stated;
“This dense boy can’t be heir to our greatgrand fathers, who had their people at heart. They would command masses in the interest of keeping our motherland at the top. The first Tooro king, Nyaika even rebelled against his own father, the then King of Bunyoro Kitara to secede from it and created this Tooro Kingdom. So how do we allow this lousy, dense boy to step on our heads and we also soak our heads in the sand as if nothing is happening?! No no no…"- One of the elderly Babiito royal members spoke via phone.
"The likes of George Kamurasi, Kasunsu Nkwanzi, Kabumba Kyebambe, Rukidi Mpuuga, Patrick Kaboyo etc would talk with eloquence. They would command masses. See just last week Kabaka of Buganda commanded his people to go for covid-19 vaccination, I hope you saw what happened last Saturday. Can Oyo here in Tooro even command a village on anything? Does he even know his own native language he’s supposed to communicate through? A boy who can’t read just a written speech with ease?!”- he continued.
During the previous 26th coronation anniversary, Batooto faulted their King Oyo for failing to read what they termed a ‘senseless’ two paragraphed speech before his guests. And more embarrassing was the fact all this happened while live on NBS TV.
Meanwhile, all the above and some we are yet to publish here prompted the elders to hold a top royal clan meeting that sat in Tooro aiming to ‘save their kingdom‘ that they say is becoming a public nuisance due to the ‘arrogancy’ of Oyo and his mother Best Kemigisa [said to be now the driver of Kingdom whereas the son is the conductor.
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