'Yes I Am a Proud Nakyeyombekede'- Singer Sheebah Karungi Brags

Posted on June 30, 2021
By Sean Musa Carter
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Team No Sleep singer Sheebah Karungi has finally come out and embraced her newly acquired title as a Nakyeyombekede which has left many of her followers confused and others praising her courage.

Nakyeyombekede is a Luganda word meaning 'Single woman with no one, probably separated or ever married', in simple terms it means an independent woman who stays alone with no man.

For long Sheebah has been asked when she will be getting married or even give birth to her first child but she keeps saying she is not yet ready.

Now she has come out and made it clear that she will never get or most so settle down with any man as she will always be a proud independent woman.

She took it to her social media pages and posted; " Coolest Nakyeyombekedde EVER😂 "
