Archbishop Dr. Cyprian Kizito Lwanga to Be Buried Inside Rubaga Cathedral

Posted on April 07, 2021
By Sean Musa Carter
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Dr Cyrian Kizito Lwanga is going to be the third person to ever be buried inside Rubaga Cathedral. The first prelate was Bishop Edouard Michaud, a Canadian Clergyman who was one of the priest missionaries known as White Fathers. He was the vicar Apostolic of Uganda from 1933 until he died in 1945.

Inside the same church are the remains of Dr Joseph Kiwanuka, the first native African to be ordained a Catholic bishop in modern times who died in 1966 five years after his appointment as Archbishop of Rubaga.

The Kampala archdiocesan interim administrator, Msgr . Charles Kasibante has confirmed that the decease Archbishop Lwanga will be buried inside Rubaga Cathedral.

Msgr Gerald Kalumba, one of the senior priests in the archdiocese and former vicar general, notes that it is has been a tradition of the church to bury (Arch)bishops in the cathedrals they served.

“It is the tradition and in many times bishops who served in that particular cathedral are worthy of being buried in there,” says Msgr Kalumba.

cathedrals, there are areas called crypts already set aside to bury the prelate. This concept of building crypts is said to have been drawn from the persecution of Christians and the believers who were buried in these caves when they died. The faithful have preserved this tradition to date.

In the event when the cathedral can no longer accommodate more graves, the administration of the (arch)diocese can locate another site to serve the same purpose.
