Sheila Gashumba Replaces God's Plan With New Boyfriend, Caught Kissing Him Live on Camera

Posted on March 28, 2021
By Sean Musa Carter
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Just a few month after bitterly breaking up with God's Plan, Sheilah Carol Gashumba has already paraded off her new boyfriend, the new man chewing her sumbie called Anthony Debathy and they have been caught kissing passionately.

Appearing in an exclusive video clip our news desk received, Sheilah Gashumba who seemed neither to care nor worry about who was watching, poured her heart out.

Even though they two seemed like they were in a club partying, it clearly showed that they have some good chemistry going on between them pulling all guts for them to show up together that close.

We have also been alerted that soon Sheila will be getting married to this new boyfriend Anthony as Frank Gashumba has already accepted their Love.

Watch the Video Below:
