Motor-Mouthed Muhammad Segirinya Wins Latif Ssebagala for Kawempe North MP Seat

Posted on January 18, 2021
By Sean Musa Carter
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The over talkative Mr. Updates Muhammad Segirinya has left many wondering whether Ugandans only voted 'The Umbrella' or the leaders that can fight for them after him beating Latif Sebagala for Kawempe North parliamentary seat.

Kawempe North Lord Councilor Muhammad Segirinya beat incumbent Hon. Latif Sebagala for the MP seat of Kawempe North constituency in the recently concluded elections.

To represent the people of Kawempe in the 11th parliament, Muhammad Segirinya held the national unity platform’s (NUP) flag which also helped him claim a massive victory over his competitors.

Congz Mr. Updates.
