"Bryan White Doesn't Need Any Financial Help"- His Caretaker Claims

Posted on July 23, 2020
By Sean Musa Carter
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Faded city tycoon Bryan White’s care taker identified as Elvis Bryan, who has been taking care of the socialite’s home in Buziga since day one even at this moment when the latter is sick, vows to protect his boss’s reputation by all means.

Elvis Bryan took to his social media clarified about the live video MC Richie did with Bad Black regarding financial assistance. As a care taker, Elvis doesn’t want his boss to wake up one day and find false accusations against him.

“Hello, My name is Elvis Bryan’s care taker at the moment and also a son, I have been watching MC Richie’s live with Bad black and I wanted to clarify some issues that have been addressed and I wouldn’t want my boss to wake up to that information. First and foremost.

1. Bryan doesn’t need any financial assistance he is very okay and his taking care of his bills, rather he needs just prayers.
2. He is not broke, he left the hospital as he waits on his results and for the sake of his safety.
3. He doesn’t need to go to IHK, he is waiting on results from UK. He is home for treatment willingly!!!!
4. If he were broke he has a lot of property to sell but he is not broke.

We appreciate each and everyone for their kind thoughts and prayers but we will not take any financial support as it has been stated, he is very okay supporting himself.

We shall have to clarify those issues to Black as well because I know she meant well but i I had to make sure I straighten this up before it’s misunderstood by the public.

The issues he wants to discuss with president Museveni are personal and based on their working relationship.

Let’s keep him in our prayers that’s all he wants and appreciates all those that were willing to help .” Bryan White’s helper explains.
