"I Know Where to Find God When I Need Him"- Prophet Elvis Mbonye Confesses

Posted on July 05, 2020
By Sean Musa Carter
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Prophet Elvis Mbonye has come out and confessed how he knows where to find God whenever he needs to talk to him something so many people have failed to understand.

The man of God hinted at those who doubt that Zoe Grounds where Zoe fellowships are held is not full of God’s Manifestations more than any other place simply because God is everywhere.

“The strange thing is, God is everywhere. When you try to tell people about the manifest of God, that is the first thing they’ll tell you.”

The Prophet said in a video that went viral online. He said they always misuse that statement and insist that they don’t have to go to church gatherings for them to be able to meet God.

“God is everywhere, but he doesn’t meet with people everywhere. There is a place. There is an atmosphere that has got to be conducive for Him to meet up with you.” Mbonye said.

He said that it is because of that reason that God can manifest at Zoe Fellowship and in other places they just talk about Him as if they don’t even know that he is there.

Prophet Mbonye insists that God is everywhere but does not meet people everywhere. Prophet Elvis insists that Zoe Grounds is conducive for God to meet with people and this can be witnessed in miracles and prophecies that happen at this place.
