Appearing on a local TV station, NBS television for a news segment known as "Kukatebe", musician Edrisa Musuuza aka Eddy Kenzo announced how he wants to meet the step father of his daughter Aamaal Musuuza known as Dr Hamza Ssebunya.
Eddy Kenzo opened up about how he really wants meet Rema Namakula’s new husband Dr. Hamza Sebunya for a handshake and also talk to him face to face before he takes his daughter Aamaal officially.
The self-styled Love Nigga president who achieved the position while unopposed revealed during an interview, his wish to meet Dr. Hamza Ssebunya. He went on to disclose that he just wants to officially hand over all the responsibilities to Dr. Sebunya so that he takes good care of his daughter Aamal Musuuza and good friend Rema Namakula.
I would love to meet Dr. Hamza Sebunya for a handshake and I officially handover all the responsibilities to him because he took both my wife and my daughter. Aamaal is always going to be my blood and that will never change, I would want to meet the man who is going to be staying with my daughter"- Eddy Kenzo disclosed.