Why Frank Gashumba Had to Apologize to Buganda Kingdom and the Katikkiro, He Was Pardoned

Posted on October 08, 2024
By Sean Musa Carter
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Frank Malimungu Gashumba, a well-known social activist and entrepreneur, issued a public apology to the Buganda Kingdom and its Katikkiro, Charles Peter Mayiga, after years of tension and provocative remarks, influenced by several prominent figures hence leaving many questions.

During his visit to Bulange Mengo, Gashumba revealed that his apology stemmed from the advice and influence of key individuals, including the late Archbishop Ciprian Kizito Lwanga and former Masaka governor Jude Mbabaali. Their guidance encouraged him to reassess his past behavior, particularly his harsh criticisms of the kingdom and its leadership.

Gashumba acknowledged that his previous use of strong language had caused offense and that his actions had gone against the values of respect and unity that the Buganda Kingdom stands for. 

His apology was a gesture of humility, driven by a desire to mend relations with the Katikkiro and the broader Buganda community.

In his heartfelt address, Gashumba emphasized the importance of reconciliation and expressed regret for allowing personal frustrations to cloud his judgment. He urged the Katikkiro to forgive him and expressed his appreciation for Mayiga’s dedicated service to the kingdom, especially in protecting the Kabaka.

Watch him below:
