The Mayanja Brothers Eldest, Humphrey Mayanja Battling Stage 4 Stomach Cancer in the USA

Posted on January 29, 2024
By Sean Musa Carter
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Humphrey Mayanja, eldest brother to musicians Jose Chameleone, Weasel Manizo and Pallaso is reportedly facing a tough battle against stage 4 stomach cancer. The news surfaced on social media platforms, raising concerns among fans and well-wishers.

Humphrey, who currently resides in the United States of America, shared on his social media the challenges he was experiencing with stomach problems during his recent hospitalization. Initially, there were speculations about liver issues, but the latest reports suggest that he is now grappling with stage 4 stomach cancer.

The revelation came via socialite Sends Acid, though the accuracy of the information remains unconfirmed. The Mayanja family has not officially addressed the situation, and Humphrey Mayanja himself has not made any public statements regarding the allegations.

Fans and friends of the Mayanja family have rallied together, expressing their support and urging others to join in sending prayers and positive vibes for Humphrey's recovery.

"We would like to extend our get well soon wishes to the Mayanja family. Their son, brother, and father, Humphrey Mayanja, is battling stage 4 stomach cancer. We encourage the family to surround him with enough love, care, and understanding in this period," said Senga Acid.

