Security Expert Ezekiel Ruhinda clarifies on his Presidential ambitions on upcoming 2026 elections

Posted on July 12, 2023
By Nasa Tushabe
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Security Expert Mr. Ezekiel Ruhinda clarifies his Presidential ambitions  on upcoming 2026 elections 

Tension arise in the camp of The Pickup man (as most known by his fellows) as there is  need for him to declare his Presidential candidacy and intentions. This comes as a result of his hard work, influence, security expert knowledge and record and leadership abilities.

It is believed that The leader  with plan has to come out and clarify nevertheless we can't predict the future since 2026 presidential elections are drawing near.

Ruhinda recently released his 7 points program of why declaring his ambitions to participate in 2026 elections.

Here is the letter that he released where Blizz Uganda managed to get a copy.

