The former self-proclaimed "President of Prostitutes" Bad Black, known...
Renown city herbalist and bedrom expert, Kojja Kitonsa and his wife Sumaya have ...
Latest reports coming through allege that musician Grace Khan and ex-boyfriend K...
Renown traditional herbalist and events promoter, Kojja Kitonsa over the weekend...
Struggling singer Grace Namuwulya alias Grace Khan's ex sumbie tormentor, Ko...
Different celebrities including Spice Diana, Kojja Kitonsa, Sheikh Umar and Past...
Struggling singer Grace Khan really names, Grace Namuwulya broke down and died f...
Struggling singer Grace Khan real names Grace Namuwulya's hopes of reuniting...
Singer Grace Khan has penned a heartwarming birthday message to her former lover...
Nansana based traditional herbalist Umar Kamoga commonly known as Sheik Umar &qu...