Renowned vlogger and critic Tamale Mirundi Jr. has put his former best friend, K...
Media personality Kasuku has revealed that his brand-new Kasuku Live studio call...
Music analyst, singer and entertainment critique, Jenkins Mukasa, real name Mose...
In a grand celebration on Saturday, August 3, the dynamic team of Kasuku and his...
During an interview on Spark TV's "21 Questions," popular media personality Isaa...
Celebrated NBS TV news anchor and media personality, Canary Mugume has issued ou...
A bitter fight has erupted up between struggling musician Jennifer Full Figure a...
Media personality and YouTube content creator, Isaac Katende aka Kasuku, has iss...
Media personality Kuku Wazabanga aka Kasuku has spilled deep secrets of how sing...
Longtime media personality Isaac Daniel Katende aka Kasuku has finally opened up...