#Amelia Kyambadde News

Entertainment | 18 July, 2022

Minister Amelia Kyambadde Over the Moon as Son Micheal Exchanges Vows with Fiancée

Glitz and glamour it was as former Cabinet Trade Minister, Amelia Kyambadde&rsqu...

National | 21 January, 2021

'People Love Me but they Hate NRM'- Amelia Kyambadde Speaks Out After Loosing Elections

Amelia Kyambadde, Uganda's Minister of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives has ...

Politics | 18 January, 2021

Hilderman Beats Amelia Kyambadde in Mawokota Elections

Singer Hillary Kiyaga, famously known as Hilderman won Minister of Trade and coo...

Finance & Business | 7 November, 2019

Ministry of Trade Officially Launches the First Uganda Contractors & Providers Summit

The Uganda Minister of Trade and Industry Amelia Kyambadde has urged local contr...