Zari Hassan Gets Her Own Reality TV Show on Netflix, the First of its Kind in Africa

Posted on June 22, 2021
By Sean Musa Carter
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Even though her first reality TV Show "Zari the Bosslady" that used to air on UBC was a total fail, the Ugandan businesswoman based in South Africa, Zari Hassan is bck with a fresh reality TV show dubbed ‘Young, Famous and African’ that will show on Netflix.

“Zari Bosslady” TV show only aired for 14 weeks and left Ugandans yearning for more is back witha  fresh vibe of an international touch rom Net Flix as it will air both in South Africa and Nigeria first.

The ‘Young, Famous, and African’ reality show is set to air on Netflix SA and Netflix Naija – the first ever African reality show on the channels.

"Born in Uganda. Flourishing in Mzansi. Now we’re taking over Netflix! See me bossing it up on @netflixsa and @naijaonnetflix's first-ever African reality show, coming soon! #YoungFamousAndAfrican "- Zari announced through her Instagram.
