Sherry Matovu Sweeps Ex Husband's House Clean, Takes Everything and Moves In with New ToyBoy

Posted on June 06, 2021
By Kiggundu Abraham
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Celebrity Gossip

Failed Singer and media personality Sherry Matovu swept her ex husband, Thadeus Katumba's house clean. She ran away with all his property and moved in with new toy boy boyfriend.

According to Blizz sources, the "Kissebo" singer had months back broken up with the father of her children over infidelity issues thereby hooking up with a yet to be identified Toy boy feasting on her waterlogged sumbie.

Sherry, who then has been enduring roasting spree of critics for dating a young boy decided to put all that aside to storm her former marital home last Wednesday thereby moving away with almost the entire household property.

During an exclusive interview with CBS FM radio's Night Radio, "Maama Nanyunja" accepted sweeping Taata Nanjunja's house clean.

In her defense, she claimed she only took off with the what was hers at her ex husband's home thereby officially calling it quits between her and the father of her children.

In the previous trending social media photos, sherry was seen in swimming pool being smooched by her new toyboy lover who seemingly looked to be young enough to be her son.
