Big Eye Ready to Dump NRM for People Power

Posted on July 22, 2020
By Kiggundu Abraham
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Finally struggling singer Ibrahim Mayanja alias Big Eye Starboss has revealed his readiness of dumping his darling NRM ruling party for MP Bobi Wine's People Power opposition Movement.

Apart from having grudges with the top organs of the NRM party, the reportedly incoming laws meant to regulate the local creative industry by the government have left the "Ndi single" singer only with bitter words to spill at his once darling NRM party.

The singer alleges that the acts in the local music industry have been living on tenterhooks ever since the Kyadondo East legislator stood against President Museveni as everything is in a state of emergence and the only solution then to ease musicians pain is by standing with MP Bobi Wine in the upcoming General elections.

"No musician is safe ever since Hon Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine stood against Mr Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. Even us who support the NRM we are not safe. Alot of unlawful things and unfair things are going to be done to dis organise this music industry, separate it and put it down. Fellow musicians open your eyes widely.

We have even started seeing some media houses/­Entertainment programs being paid to expose musicians with an aim of spoiling musicians image. If am not mistaken we might even be the reason why this country is still in lockdown so that we don't do any shows to earn. May be we better stand with Hon Robert Kyagulanyi who will understand our pain,"- said Big Eye through his socials.
