He is still young; he is allowed to make mistakes- Patrick Salvado defends Grenade

Posted on November 30, 2019
By Nasa Tushabe
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Standup comedian Patrick Idringi Salvado has come up to defend the embattled 21 year old music star Grenade Official saying he is still young and his mistakes can be justified and pardoned.

The man from Ombokoro said this through his social media channel adding that the Nkuloga singer is still undergoing a complete metamorphosis and therefore he still has a chance to do more mistakes as he grows and learn from experiences.

“Grenade is allowed to make mistakes, he’s still young and going through different phases of his life” said Salvado.

Salvado also advised old ladies whom he termed as daughters of Zinja Anthropus to date Grenade ready for what will come and not to get mad if he acts his age and leaves them for younger ones.

“You daughters of Zinja anthropus getting mad at him for acting his age should be ashamed of yourselves.”

Grenade is currently in verbal battle with his lover Maggie Kaweesi Nalongo the widow of the late AK 47 after Grenade chucked her following months of bonkship. Maggie couldn’t swallow the fact that she has been dumped by a guy, who is half a decade younger than her and opened a war against him on social media exposing him as a gay an allegation that Grenade denies.

Salvado crucified Maggie saying it’s her fault and she should suffer it alone and leave the young man alone.

“Let the boy live, if he kisses and tell. It’s your fault” concluded Salvado.
