Its no longer news of the contract termination of celebrated events emcee Edrine Katamba alias MC Kats by the Pearl of Africa Hotel.
Blizz Uganda has on Wednesday 30th learnt of the sacking of the pint sized media personality by Pearl of Africa Hotel after serving for just two months a moment after falling up with his bosses at Fame Lounge where he used to host the celebrity night every Wednesday.
We have ascertained that like at Fame Lounge, MC Kats business at Pearl of Africa Hotel was not making any profit additions to his bosses and when he was usually called in for crisis meetings to explain as to why they were no longer working, the NBSafter5 show host always snubbed his bosses' faces.
As it usually said that whenever you notice that everyone is against you yet they have always been loving you, its always better to check you self before you go bad.
MC Kats has however come out through his social media Facebook official account to explain as to why he failed the Pearl of Africa Hotel test.
Kats claims that as a 5 star Hotel, he could kill it off given the way Pearl of Africa was pricing up its menu to the extent of trippling it up amidst the tight competition with other bars in town no wonder he couldn't attract enough customers to the vicinity.
"Its been great working with
Your hospitality was awsome
5 Star hotels have levels that are expected from them
In this case pricing of drinks n food
prices are almost triple compared to any normal bar in town which affects sales n profit magine
Having amid week nite competing with big brands n abars anit easy
But we tried anyway
We dont stop wont stop
We will be back soon," stated MC Kats.