Young Businessman and Security Expert Mr. Ezekiel Ruhinda vows to stand for Presidency in 2026

Posted on May 25, 2023
By Dj Sadam
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As time draws near, potential candidates have started coming out to identify themselves to electorates in preparation for the forthcoming elections. One of those is a young businessman Ezekiel Ruhinda who is aiming at the highest seat in the country.

Born and Raised in Kashari Mbarara, Ruhinda believes it is the time young people take the mantle of running this country and is willing to present himself to Ugandans to promote social and economic development of Uganda.

Formerly an adherent supporter of President Museveni and General Muhoozi Kainerugaba, Ruhinda says that he has identified a Big gap that he needs to fill and address with strong Economic recovery programs and policies.

“For Us Young Generation we need to bring on board general Agenda to restore Uganda’s economic development and independence, and youth to have their voices heard, their issues solved” he said.

A leader with a plan has pointed out a 7 points program which he finds necessary to pave way for social and economic recovery of the country which include: General Security, East Africa Integration, Focus on Health, Education and Agricultural sector, Pan Africanism, REAL service delivery, elimination of Corruption and Real Prosperity for everyone.

He promises to be the voice of the youths, marginalized and the voiceless.

Connect him on Facebook  at Ezekiel Ruhinda

Twitter at @Ezekiel_Ruhinda
