Mr. Right

Mr. Right


Mr. Right Biography

Katongole Robert Aka Mr.Right Championryt is a Ugandan Uprising Star
in the East African music scene fusing Ugbeat (Ugandan
Beat),Dance-hall and Zouk.
He was born on 03/01/1992 in Kasubi currently based Makindye as his
home town. He started his musical journey in late 2017 with a single
"Nalabako" which was successful as he Dropped “Lwaki” that made it to
the Topplaylists by Radios ,Tv, and all Club deejays across Kampala.

He's currently working On an Album which is set to feature top artists
at the East African scale .
Mr.Right Is set to release singles after the Album which are set to
break through and top the ChartList across EastAfrica and Africa at
large. He is managed by @RightGang His own label set to opening up
Fashion house ,Studio housing(Video and Audio). He mostly uses
@mrrightChampionryt on all platforms as Fb,Ig,and on YouTube

Mr. Right Songs