Kachina Valentine

Kachina Valentine


Kachina Valentine Biography

Kachaina born Muhereza Valentine on 14/2/1980 in Ishaka Western Uganda' He is a comedian and Inspirational artist. He is Most Popular in western Ugandan comedy theatres. He has been in many areas of Uganda and some other East African Countries.

Comedy Career

Kachaina Began his music and comedy career in early 2004 as A Kareoke comedian in bars and clubs of Kampala after senior four at Karamba hill secondary school.

He enjoyed Mr Bean series of Rowan Artinkson whom he said that he was his inspirational fact. So he combined his comic words in funny styles with female Mimicking to a super comedy he has today.

Music Career

He does Singing qas Aversatile talent, he has made acouple of songs mainly about social life and families.

He made his first song in 2014.

List of some songs;

Mukama Nyamba

Amaka Tigorobi

Bus Yaruhanga

Kachina become an activist advocating for education for all and released a song Okushoma (Education). He also released Speak Out (Otahunama) song spreading the campaign of stopping early marriages and combating HIV/AIDS.

He has sung and acted on various big stages both in Kampala and Western Uganda and has so often performed at Alex Muhangi's show, The Comedy Store

He recently went back to A Level education at an adult age just because he was denied of it in his childhood age and is currently pursing his bachelors degree at Bishop Stuart University Mbarara.

He is working on TV West and Radio Link in Western Uganda.