Mukyala Bindeeba Precious Remmie Returns to Spark TV Live Wire After Months Away

Posted on July 21, 2022
By Sean Musa Carter
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Precious Remmie aka Ray P quit from Spark TV Live Wire to concetrate on her marriage and acting career but after 6 months, she is back to reclaim what she started with Gabbie Ntaate.

Remmie was on Livewire until six months ago when she resigned from the show to host Spark Updates.

Flavia Mawagi and Gabby Ntaate took over only for the latter to be replaced by Immy Candice two months ago.

Through her social media Precious Remmie announced how she is now back to the Livewire show that airs at 10 PM. 

Remmie will replace Flavia Mawagi who will now be the host for Spark Updates.
