Susan Makula Nantaba Introduces Aloysious Bugingo to Her Parents in a Beautiful Kukyala Ceremony

Posted on November 26, 2021
By Sean Musa Carter
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House of Prayer Ministries Lead Pastor, Aloysious Bugingo has finally been introduced by his longtime mistress and employee, fience’ Susan Makula Nantaba to her parents in a beautiful Kukyala Ceremony.

The beautiful ceremony took place with very tight security to prohibit Bugingo’s wife Teddy Naluswa from disrupting the function.

Susan introduced Bugingo to her family in a lavish Kukyala ceremony which has taken place in Kyebando and was attended by relatives, friends and family. 

Teddy who is legally married to the pastor is still insisting that she won’t sign the divorce papers because she believes that he will go back to her when Satan is done with using him. 

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