Pastor Aloysious Bugingo To Be Hurriedly Introduced to Susan Makula's Parents in a Private Kukyala

Posted on November 26, 2021
By Sean Musa Carter
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Even though his first wife and baby mama Teddy Nalunswa has still refused to grant him a divorce, House of Prayer Ministries pastor Aloysious Bugingo is not ready to back down from marrying his pregnant new lover Susan Makula, the two are holding a Kukyala.

According to trusted sources, Makula is going to be introducing Bugingo to her parents to accept him as their new husband and child in the family.

The kukyala ceremony is going down this weekend somewhere on Entebbe Road where close family members will be invited to attend and witness their love.

Makula has reportedly whispered to close friends that “she is ready to move on to the next step of her life” and “she has already started planning to start a life as someone’s partner in marriage”. 

Meanwhile, last Sunday the two lovers held mock a wedding march, much to the cheers of the congregants at the House of Prayer Ministries International’ s Canaan Land.  
