Government to Give Out 37 Billion to Musicians Who Have Not Worked Since Covid-19 Came

Posted on September 25, 2021
By Sean Musa Carter
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The Government of Uganda is going to be giving out UGx 37 Billion to musicians in a bid to help in recoverthe Arts, Culture and Creative industry in the country. The funds are to be given out through the Natioal Culture Forum as grants.

According to NCF Secretariat, government has so far disbursed shs11.2 billion to support music promoters that lost out income when shows and concerts were cancelled. The fund has also supported the streamlining of the creative sector by reorganizing and strengthening associations and institutions.

Recently, the National Culture Forum (NCF) has given out grants to build the capacity of sector associations to serve their members needs better.

The reorganisation is also intended to make it easy for government and stakeholders to implement interventions that will be beneficial to the entire value chains for all the domains.

In the next phase, government is expected to provide Shs37 billion in small grants to artists to support them to create new works, acquire technology, use digital platforms etc.
