NO UNEB Exams For 2021, Schools to Be Re-Opened in 2022 as Ministry Finds New Solutions

Posted on September 18, 2021
By Sean Musa Carter
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The Government has resolved that UNEB exams for Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE), Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) and Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) for 2021 will be conducted next year 2022 when schools reopen.

According to the ministry, it is now impossible for Primary Six, Senior Three and Senior Five students to study, complete the syllabi and get promoted to the candidate classes.

Now, it has emerged that school reopening for primary and secondary school classes could be pushed to January 2022.

A meeting to decide on the reopening of schools that happened this Thursday resolved that examinations be conducted some time next year after the reopening of schools.

There will be interventions to ensure continuity of learning so that the semi-candidate classes (P6, S3 and S5) will be promoted to sit national exams in 2022.

The decision for reopening was based on factors such as rate of vaccination of teachers, non-teaching staff in education institutions, sources said.

Learners such as those in Primary One and Primary Two have never stepped in classrooms since March 2020.

