How Nakivubo Stadium Looks Like After 8 Years of Construction, Official Update

Posted on June 15, 2021
By Sean Musa Carter
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After years of construction, city tycoon Ham Kiggundu has shown off the progress of Nakivubo stadium leaving many disappointed and some impressed. We have the full update here in both photos and video.

The photos reveal visible progress done on the stands but the stadium is still very far from done as alot of work still has to be done inorder to achieve the dream stadium.

Hamis promised the stadium to be completed eight months from then during an interview conducted about 8 months ago but the project has been hit by various setbacks over the years and the new photos have stirred mixed reactions from the fans.

Watch the video here:

Since the construction was started, fans and other football stakeholders were in jubilant moods after Hamis Kiggundu, CEO Ham Enterprises, promised a world class structure.

Initially, the stadium was projected to end in 2019, and there are doubts that everything will be in place at the end of this year.

See More Photos Below:
