Pastor Yiga Augustine Buried with His Guitar, Watch Full Burial Ceremony

Posted on November 01, 2020
By Sean Musa Carter
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It's been five days since his sudden death at Nsambya Hospital and today 1st November 2020, Pastor Yiga Augustine has been laid to his forever resting home, we have the highlights from the burial here with video.

Mourners started queuing at his Kawaala based Revival Church at about 5:30am to pay last respects to Yiga who died on Tuesday.

The body of Yiga was transferred to Kawaala on Saturday amid t ears as some believers spent the night praying at the church.

Later on, his body was prayed for and taken to his burial ground, just next to his late mother and it was at this point when tears rolled down many people's faces.

Watch the Ceremony Below:
